miércoles, 14 de junio de 2017


-Natural plastics:Plásticos naturales
-Synthetic plastics:Plásticos sintéticos
-Chemical recycling:Reciclaje químico
-Mechanical recycling:Reciclaje mecánico
-Energy recovery:Recuperación de energía
-Non-biodegradable plastic:Plástico no biodegradable
-Biodegradable plastic:Plástico biodegradable
-Thermosetting plastics:Plásticos termoestables
-Polyethylene terephthalate:Tereftalato de polietileno
-High-density polyethylene:Polietileno de alta densidad
-Polyvinyl chloride:Cloruro de polivinilo
-Low-density polyethylene:Polietileno de baja densidad
-Polyester resins:Resinas de poliéster        
-Natural rubber:Caucho natural

-Synthetic rubber:Caucho sintético
-Vacuum forming:Formación de vacío
-Filing and sanding:File y lijado
-Carpenter's square:Escuadra del carpintero
-Measuring tape:Cinta métrica
-Utility knife:Cuchillo de uso
-Hot wire cutter:Cortador de cables
-Bit:Barra de metal
-Tap and handle:Manija
-Sandpaper:Papel de lija
-Belt sander:Lijadora de banda
-Orbital sander:Lijadora orbital
-Bolts, nuts and washers:Tornillos, tuercas y arandelas
-Two-part resins:Resinas de dos partes

-Acrylic cement:Cemento acrílico
-Contact adhesives:Adhesivos de contacto
-Heat sealer:Sellador de calor
-Hot air welder:Soldador de aire caliente
-Metallic fibres:Fibras metálicas

domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017


It is a device that operates for a certain period of time and then shuts itself off automatically:

-At first, the LED is off,since there is no current flowing through the base. When we push the button, current flows through the base , and the transistor is activated, and the LED turns on. The capacitor also begins to charge itself.

-When we release the button, the LED continues to produce ligh for some time, using current from the capacitor.

2.Integrated circuits
They consist of miniature electronic components.
          Resultado de imagen de integrated circuits                    Resultado de imagen de integrated circuits esquema

sábado, 6 de mayo de 2017


They are basic components of electrical circuits. They are made from semiconductor materials and have three electrodes: the base, the collector and the emitter.
There are two types of transistor: NPN and PNP.
  • When no electrons are flowing through the base, it is in cut off.
  • When many electrons are flowing through the base, it is in saturation.
  • When the flow of electrons through the base is between the cut off and saturation levels, it is in the active region.

Resultado de imagen de transistor

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017


They can store electrical energy from a battery and then use it to power a light bulb until the charge is totally depleted. This is measured in farads.
Resultado de imagen de capacitors

They are electronic components made from semiconductor materials. A diode has two electrodes: an anode and a cathode.
A LED only gives off light when an electric current flows through it.


-Fixed resistance or resistor
It opposes the flow of electric currents. Its value is indicated by this code of colours and numbers:
Resultado de imagen de code of colour and number of a resistor

-Variable resistance or potentiometer
Its value can be adjusted between zero and the maximum value specified by the manufacturer.
Resultado de imagen de symbol of a potentiometer two types

-Resistance that depends on a physical factor
  • Resistance that depends on temperatura is called termistor. There are two types: negative and positive.
  • LDR: resistance that varies according to the amount of light received.

sábado, 22 de abril de 2017


An electromagnetic control system activates the various parts of a machine, at the right moment and for the right amount of time, ensuring that the machine functions properly.

-Cam switch controller: the shape of a cam allows us to control the moment and duration of an activity.

-Limit switches: the switch is activated when the float rises to a certain level. When the wáter level goes down, the switch returns to its original position and the pump turns on again.

There are two types of limit switch: normally closed and normally open.

viernes, 14 de abril de 2017


1.Electromagnetic generators
They transform mechanical energy into electricity. Generators that produce direct current are called dynamos, and those that produce alternating current are called alternators.

-Dynamo: consists of a magnet and a rotary coil, that have, at the end, two semi-circular conductors, wich form the commutator.

-Alternator: is almost identical to a dynamo, except for the commutator, wich consists of two metallic rings connected to carbón brushes.

2.Electric motors
Is a device that can transform electrical energy into movement.

Is an electromagnetic component that works as a switch. When electricity passes through the coil, it acts like a magnet.
Resultado de imagen de relay